Coachella Festival seems to have it all… Ariana Grande performing with members of ‘NSync, the return of the giant art installation with the Poetic Kinetics spaceman, Weezer covering TLC’s “No Scrubs” with Chili, some epic laser and confetti action at Tame Impala, and, of course, the giant ferris wheel that takes over your Instagram feed for an entire weekend. But as always, it wasn’t just the music that brought in the crowds – with the fashion of attendees putting on its own show.
With the usual glitter, skin, braids, and cowboy boots making their customary appearance – this year’s festival fashion seemed to have grown up a little as the style set went all out in their outfit planning. Below, we take a look at the top 50 blogger and influencer looks coming out of this year’s Coachella Festival.
1. Camila Coelho | @camilacoelho
2. Viva Luxury Blog | @vivialuxuryblog
3. Song Of Style | @songofstyle
4. Paola Alberdi | @paolaalberdi
5. Xenia Adonts | @xeniaadonts
6. Leonie Hanne | @leoniehanne
7. Sincerely Jules | @sincerelyjules
8. Lorena | @lorena
9. Meryl Denis | @meryldenis
10. Mary Cake | @marycake
11. Hunt For Styles | @huntforstyles
12. Helen Owen | @helenowen
13. Giulia Gaudino | @giuliagaudino
14. Debi Flue | @debiflue
15. Elise Cook | @elisecook
16. Belen Hostalet | @belenhostalet
17. Ellen V Lora | @ellenvlora
18. Cartia Mallan | @cartiamallan
19. Daniela Callee | @danielaacallee
20. Ellie Thumann | @elliethumann
21. Emm Gurr | @emmgurr
22. Eris the Planet | @eristheplanet
23. Gigi Hadid | @gigihadid
24. Fashion Is My Fortee | @fashionismyfortee
25. The Mad Grace | @themadgrace
26. Summer McKeen | @summermckeen
27. Samira Radmehr | @samiraradmehr
28. Christina Macpherson | @christinamacpherson
29. Thaylise Ferreira | @thaylise_ferreira
30. Twardowsky | @twardowsky
31. Pau Dictado | @paudictado
32. Mimi Perkins | @mimiperkins
33. Micheli Fernandes | @micheli _fernandes
34. Little Black Boots | @littleblackboots
35. Ludivine | @ludivine
36. Jaci Marie Smith | @jacimariesmith
37. Marta Sierra | @marta__sierra
38. Leah Perkins | @imleahperkins
39. Jamien Kidd | @jamienkidd
40. Jaime Xie | @jaimexie
41. Hannah Meloche | @hannahmeloche
42. Maf Fashion | @maffashion_official
43. Jourdan Sloane | @jourdansloane
44. Jenn Im | @imjennim
45. Giulia Salemi | @giuliasalemi
46. Bridget | @bridget
47. Maya Gypsy | @maya_gypsy
48. Roses Cloud | @roses_cloud
49. Minimal Major | @minimalmajor
50. The Lazy CEO | @thelazyceo
Main image: Belen Hostalet pictured with Sincerely Jules and Collage Vintage
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