Over here at Husskie, we’ve got a bit of a soft spot for mums – which is why we were thrilled when we got to team up with Murad for their recent Mum Series to prove their new Retinol Youth Renewal collection can be used by all ages, with results on multiple skin types and concerns. It’s not often you get to meet and chat with an influencer’s mum and find out what their daughter is really like when the camera’s are down (all in the name of research, right?!), and this mum and daughter were particularly cute… meet Coconut and Bliss content creator Sophie Fisher and her mum Gina.
Watching the two walk towards our meeting spot, you could already spot the tight bond between Gina and Sophie. And after meeting them, it was clear Gina was immensely proud and supportive of all her daughter’s achievements. And why wouldn’t she be – with Sophie organically creating inspiring health and lifestyle content for her engaged community of 122K+ Instagram followers over on Coconut and Bliss.
With the Mum Series all about showing how the Murad Retinol Youth Renewal collection works on all ages, Sophie and Gina have been testing out the different products in the lead-up to the shoot (and call us biased, but we think the results speak for themselves!). After the shoot had ended, we pulled Sophie aside to find out a bit more about her background story – from life in the Fisher household, to daily juggles between being in PR and a lifestyle influencer, and what plans she’s got in the works for Coconut and Bliss.
Can you tell us a bit about your background?
I have always lived in Sydney, I grew up in a little suburb called Putney. I finished high school and started doing an engineering and architecture-combined degree and realised that was so not for me – so I moved into media and communications. I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to do with that degree. Along the way I had a few different internships and started Coconut and Bliss on the side – which was a really good learning curve for me and taught me so much about the world of media. I was interacting with so many PR representatives and so many different brands that it made me realise I wanted to get more experience in that area.
Once I finished my uni degree, I went into a lifestyle PR company and I work there full-time now – which I really do love. It’s quite creative – I get to work alongside some really amazing fashion and lifestyle brands, hotels and food and beverage companies. It’s very complementary to what I do with Coconut and Bliss.
Why did your first decide to start Coconut and Bliss?
About 4 years ago I found a love for healthy cafes and healthy cooking and I basically just started my Instagram account as a way to track all the amazing cafes that I visited, as well as share all the healthy recipes I was creating. I don’t think I ever expected my Instagram to take off, I was just tracking what I was doing in my life! But slowly I started getting followers and people requesting more recipes – from there it really kicked off and I began collaborating with a lot of amazing brands and meeting really amazing people.
Do you find it hard to juggle Coconut and Bliss and working full-time in PR?
It’s so difficult, I won’t lie! Sometimes I really struggle and I’m like: ‘Oh my gosh, I should be choosing one or the other’ – but at the same time, I think I really can make it work by just committing to doing Coconut and Bliss on the weekends. I find when I don’t have enough content to share, I get really worried that I’ll lose it – which I really don’t want to happen because I’ve worked so hard for it for so many years and it’s something I genuinely do love. But at the same time, I want to use my degree and really establish myself in the PR industry. I think it’s really difficult to juggle – but I do think it’s possible so I’m just going to keep doing what I’m doing and sticking to Coconut and Bliss on weekends and then working full-time during the week.
Do you ever find time to switch off?
I do have to put the phone away sometimes, as cliché as that sounds, but otherwise it does get a bit intense where you feel like you’re constantly working. Even though Coconut and Bliss is something that I genuinely love doing, it is still work sometimes. If you just completely switch off for a few hours, it makes it so easy to still have that passion there. I guess if I was doing it 24/7, you would feel a bit burnt out and maybe lose that passion a bit. As long as I have times where I make myself switch off my phone and take myself away from it all – it makes it so doable to still love what I’m doing. [Side Note: Murad is all about technology down-time! Blue light from devices plus the constant pressure to feel connected with the virtual world can wreak havoc on your skin and happiness.]
What can we find you doing if you’re not working?
When I have a weekend where I have some free time, I love starting off the day with Xtend Barre – that is my favourite form of exercise and I just love starting the day with that. After that, I’d go and get an acai bowl at Fruitologist in Rozelle. It’s this amazing acai bowl with insane granola and peanut butter and I’m just obsessed. I’ll then go for a walk with my sister – I love doing the Bay walk in Drummoyne. I’d then come home and do some healthy recipe testing because I love doing that and then just chill out in the afternoon – catch up on some of my favourite TV shows before going out for dinner with friends… see all those friends who I haven’t had time for during the week! That’s an ideal day for me.
Talking about your sister, it seems you have a very supportive family!
My poor mum – she’s always taking photos of me and my sister! I’m like: “I need this post! I need that post!” It’s amazing to have such a supportive family who I know are genuinely proud of what I do. I’ve also got my younger sister who’s always willing to do a photo with me or be a hand model in one of my recipes… it’s so nice she’s so willing to help me with that because I’m sure some people would be like: “No, you’re wasting my time! I’m busy!” She’s always the first to put up her hand to help me out with whatever I need help with. It’s really amazing.
It comes across in your feed and today’s shoot about what a close family you are…
Exactly. We’re all just so close. I have an older sister as well and then my Dad and we’re all just super close – which is really nice.
I love that! Now I’m going to move onto some more lifestyle questions… Can you tell me how you like to pamper yourself?
I love getting massages – I just came back from Bali and I got massages every single day, it was amazing. Generally here in Sydney, I have a skincare routine every night. I’ll often do a facial mask, which I keep on for 30 minutes – and then I love to do a simple cleanse before I go to bed. Every night I’ll cover myself in moisturiser – especially in winter, my skin just gets really dry!
What skincare have you currently got on high rotation?
Murad really is my favourite! I do find it is very moisturising. I have very dry skin, so a lot of the moisturisers and skincare products I use – my skin will soak it up and then within 30 minutes, I’ll feel that it’s completely dried out again. I feel with Murad that my skin soaks it up, but then retains that moisture so I don’t feel like I’m constantly having to reapply every 20 minutes. Especially coming back from Bali, that was the ultimate test! Because I got really burnt, my skin has been soaking up the moisturiser and retaining it. I’ve really noticed a difference in my skin afterwards. That’s my go-to at the moment, and my mum’s go-to – she can vouch for it!
So your mum’s been using it too?!
She’s been absolutely loving it [the Murad Retinol Youth Renewal collection]. She goes through a lot of skincare products and often can’t find anything she loves – but she genuinely adores Murad. It’s really positive that we’ve both found a product that we love. Mum feels like she’s younger! For me, my skin just feels a lot softer and less dried out. When you’re putting on makeup all the time, you don’t want dry skin. You need that texture where it’s a bit moist – so I think it’s perfect for everyday use where you are wearing makeup and putting on concealer and all those products.
What are your five essential fashion items?
- I love a light, skinny leg denim jean – that’s my go-to.
- A really nice belt.
- A scrunchie – I’m really into scrunchies at the moment, love a scrunchie.
- I love my Spring Court sneakers – they’re always an essential. I feel like you can really dress down an outfit with them.
- My sunglasses – my hexagonal Ray-Bans.
I’m also a really big fan of a simple white t-shirt that you can tie up. White and denim is my ultimate combo.
Five health tips you live by?
- Apple cider vinegar with some hot water and a dash of maple syrup every morning – that is my favourite. I strongly believe it stops me from getting sick. My mum actually taught me that – and it’s worked for me this whole winter.
- I really swear by the Beauty Chef’s inner glow powder. I just put a teaspoon of that in smoothies every day. She has a philosophy that health starts from the gut and I whole-heartedly believe in that, so I’ve been using that for years now.
- A good probiotic is another. I’ve been taking probiotics every day for years.
- I am such a believer in eating wholesome fruit and vegetables. I love juices, but I think eating a good amount of fruit and vegetables every day is key to good health.
- And lastly, drinking water. I know it’s so simple – but even if it’s through tea, drinking water every day is so important for your skin and overall wellbeing. For me, it actually makes a difference to my energy levels. If I’ve had a day where I haven’t drunk enough water, I’ll feel more tired. Your body is 80 per cent water, so it makes sense to be pumping it all throughout the day. [Side Note 2: Dr Murad has researched the common pathways of all ageing and his research suggests that Hydration is the key to looking and feeling younger! In fact, Dr Murad says you should eat, drink and wear your water!]
And lastly, can you tell us your age and height?
I’m 24 years old and 168 centimetres tall…
The Murad Retinol Youth Renewal collection consists of the The Murad Retinol Youth Renewal Serum, Night Cream and Eye Serum. Using breakthrough Retinol Tri-Active Technology, the products quickly and visibly minimise lines and deep wrinkles, evens skin tone, and boost radiance. Ideal for all ages and walks of life, the Murad Retinol Youth Renewal collection is all about delivering healthy-looking skin naturally and time effectively.
All images produced by Husskie Press on behalf of Murad. Images feature Coconut and Bliss content creator Sophie Fisher and her mum Gina. Article created in partnership with Murad.
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