Most of us go to bed with aspirations of being healthy commencing the next day. We’ve all been there – indulged in one (5) too many choccies or bypassed our core attack workout for a circuit of Netflix instead. On these bouts of a ‘humph’-style attitude towards wellbeing, we turn to Newcastle-based health buff Lauren Argonne. When lacking some serious #inspo to pop a squat or rustle up a clean treat, she’s your gal.
From her daily musings to insanely moorish (yet guiltless) recipes, we’re furiously taking note to mirror Lauren’s good habits and good vibes. Think of her as the slightly more yogi-loving and blonde Jamie Oliver of our Insta feed.
Today, Lauren jogs us through her no muss, no fuss Day On A Plate…
Wake up, have a big glass of water and put on my walking shoes. I usually go for a brisk 45 minute walk before breakfast to wake me up – it always makes my days feel a lot more grounded!
I have a cup of tea. I come from an English household where tea is mandatory in the morning, haha. Nothing fancy – just the classic English Breakfast, no milk, no sugar.
My breakfasts vary with how I’m feeling that day, but they pretty much follow the same basic formula: High protein, high fats, some form of complex carb.
Option 1
My Coconut Cookies n’ Cream Zucchini Thickie! I blend 1x frozen zucchini, ½ frozen banana, 1x serving of vanilla protein, 1x heaped tablespoon of flaxseed meal, and 1x cup of coconut milk.
Option 2
My big-breaky cook up: 2 poached eggs, ½ a small roast sweet potato, 1 spiralized zucchini, handful of spinach or rocket.
Usually by 12pm I’m beginning to crave my cuppa! I walk down to my local coffee shop and order a small almond flat white with a marshmallow on the side – because it’s the little things in life…
I’m a sucker for throw-together salads! I combine everything I can in my fridge and drench it in lemon juice or tahini. Usually I’ll use rocket or spinach for the base, top it with some cut up chicken breast, sweet potato, cucumber, lentils, pepitas, and fresh red onion.
Protein shake and usually one of my homemade healthy brownies or muesli bars.
Gym time! I aim to hit the gym either around 3pm or 5pm. I like to go later than early so I have more fuel in my body to train with. I’ve tried training in the morning on an empty stomach and it just doesn’t work for me.
When I head to the gym, I usually go for 1hrs to 1 ½ hrs, and usually focus on weights/resistance based workouts and sometimes a bit of HIIT.
Baked salmon with smoked paprika, sautéed broccolini with lemon juice, and a tomato medley on the side. I like to keep my dinners smaller, but focused around protein and fat rich foods to help sustain my blood sugar while I sleep.
I cannot go a night without a hot cocoa! I am seriously addicted and get so cranky when we are out of coconut milk to make it. I combined 1 tbsp cocoa, a pinch of cinnamon, 1 cup of hot coconut milk, and a teaspoon of maple syrup to sweeten it.
Bed at 10pm
All images via Lauren Argonne | Words by Genevieve Phelan
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