With a dreamy, whimsical feed that follows Annie Tarasova’s art and travel ventures around the globe, the Adelaide-based influencer has not only amassed a rather impressive Instagram following of 217K+ – but has also managed to spin this following into a rather successful side business: DreamyMoons.
Selling affirmation cards, crystal charts, and art work, DreamyMoons has brought in 5000+ sales since launching on Etsy – with Instagram proving to provide the perfect marketing tool for her burgeoning business.
Here, Annie takes time out from her art and adventures to answer Husskie’s latest Fast 50 – talking everything from responding to followers to frolicking in frocks.
Missed the last articles in the 50 Questions series? Click the links to read interviews with Brooklyn Kelly, Brooke Styles, and Polabur’s Polina Burashnikova.
1. Best beauty product of all time? Rosehip Oil for skin and hair. Works like magic!
2. Five beauty products you can’t live without? Hurraw Lip Balm, rosehip oil, hemp seed oil, INIKA Light Reflect Cream & everything from Lush
3. Hair “done” or messy? Messy
4. Favourite fragrance? Hanako ‘I am Inspired’ spray made from flower essences
5. Favourite item of clothing? High-waisted jeans or an oversized warm jacket
6. Favourite fashion brand? I am currently loving Hazel & Folk
7. Gym or exercising outdoors? Outdoors all the way. Hikes are my favourite!
8. Healthy eating or treating yourself? 90% healthy, 10% treating
9. Can you cook? Yes & I love it!
10. Favourite food to indulge in? Baked sweet potatoes… or coconut milk ice cream
11. First thing you pick from the mini-bar? As boring as it is… water
12. Best place to eat out? Sister of Soul in Melbourne is possibly my favourite restaurant
13. Happiest moment? Every time I pull over on the side of the road to pat a horse in a stranger’s paddock – always puts a smile on my face!
14. Saddest moment? When I have to say goodbye to my boyfriend – we have been in a long distance relationship for almost 2 years
15. Blog or YouTube? Both!
16. Iphone or camera? Camera
17. Type of camera? Canon 80D
18. Facetune or untouched? Untouched 100%
19. Lightroom or VSCO? Lightroom + VSCO
20. Favourite filter? A6 on VSCO
21. Favourite way to edit pics? I love lots of natural light, slight contract, no saturation added/slightly unsaturated photos with enhanced greens and blues
22. 9-5 job or full-time influencer? Neither! I am an artist and can thankfully use my Instagram to bring attention to my art
23. How did you first get your start in Instablogging? When I first went vegan and fell in love with cooking & styling my food around 4 years ago – I unintentionally gained about 60k just from food photos. I deviated from food photos as the time went on – and now post my travels & art
24. How much time goes into a normal picture found on your Instagram account? Depending on what it is, I would say from 15 minutes to 1 hour!
25. What’s your top Instagram tip? Post high quality photos & reply to your comments… at least some of them. You don’t know how happy it will make one of your followers, and it only takes a second of your time
26. Who takes your pics? Either myself or my boyfriend
27. Career highlight since being an influencer? Travel is cheaper and I have had the pleasure to meet and connect with other influencers and photographers, which has been amazing. Most importantly, I don’t have to pay for marketing of my business DreamyMoons!
28. Career lowlight since being an influencer? Absolutely none
29. Best campaign you’ve ever worked on? Flight Centre Early Bird Campaign. I got to travel around Europe for nothing with my boyfriend and it felt like a fairytale
30. Worst thing that’s happened to you on a photo shoot? Being absolutely freezing, frolicking around in a dress barefoot at sunrise in New Zealand – it was about 8 degrees Celsius
31. The best gift you’ve ever received as an influencer? Crystals & free flights
32. Last thing you googled? ‘Lauterbrunnen hiking trails’ – I am heading there next week for a solo trip & I love hikes
33. Favourite film? ‘One Day’
34. Favourite book? ‘Ishmael’ by Daniel Quinn – it is incredible
35. Favourite song? Always changes. Currently: ‘Morning Sun’ by Dave Bixby
36. Living in the city or living by the beach? Beach… or can I pick a forest?
37. Favourite travel destination? So far, New Zealand and Hawaii
38. Most Instagram-worthy spot? Perhaps Greece?
39. Top three essentials to pack when traveling? Apart from my laptop and phone… mosquito repellent, my art supplies, and vitamins
40. Going out clubbing or quiet dinner with friends? Quiet dinner all the way
41. Partner or single? Partner
42. Siblings? 2 sisters!
43. What city are you currently living in? Adelaide, South Australia
44. Celebrity crush? None!
45. Pets? A dog named Bonnie – a kelpie.
46. What is your best asset? Passion
47. Biggest misconception about you and your job? If talking about DreamyMoons – that I paint all day. I wish! But there’s so much that goes into owning a business rather than painting
48. Top five Instagram accounts to follow? @helloemilie, @elizabethgadd, @bejamin, @deanraphael and @mattcherub
49. Favourite quote you live by? “Respond to every call that excites your spirit” – Rumi
50. Top career tip? You never know unless you try.
All images: Annie Tarasova
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